Case Studies

Needs Assessment Study for Extended Care (Long-term Care, Home Care and Rehabilitation)

The extended care services (institutional long-term care, home care and rehabilitation) in the country suffered from limitations in capacity and scope. Therefore, many hospital beds allocated for acute care were occupied by long-term care patients. In order to find a solution, the Ministry of Health launched an extended care initiative which has sought to expand and improve the extended care services by utilizing PPP models. As a first step after the establishment of the extended care strategy, the Ministry of Health initiated a consulting project for a comprehensive assessment of the extended care needs in 3 pilot health regions and developing plans for provision of these services.

Through fieldwork in 59 healthcare facilities and administrations including hospitals, elderly care centers, medical long-term care hospitals and mental long-term care facilities, home care offices, and rehabilitation centers, as well as additional interviews with key stakeholders and secondary research, we collected a comprehensive set of data on demand, supply, resources and activity drivers. Using these data, we evaluated the long-term care, home care and rehabilitation service providers, determined current and future supply-demand gaps in each region, and developed detailed capacity plans for each service including the size and location for extended care facilities. We also generated recommendations on extended care organization and practices. Furthermore, we designed financial models, assessed the costs and savings, and evaluated the value for money of different operational models.


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Ministry of Health



Impact of the Project

Via the employment of our proprietary needs assessment frameworks and tools, this project made it possible to assess the realistic extended care needs in the 3 pilot regions of the country. The outcomes of the project have enabled the Ministry of Health to understand the requirements, calculate the costs and estimate the risks, in order to structure PPP tenders for long-term care, home care and rehabilitation projects in an informed way. With the help of the findings of our work on needs assessment and capacity planning, the ministry has initiated technical, financial and legal advisory projects to proceed with the tendering activities.

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