Privacy Statement for Research Surveys/Interviews


Privacy Statement for Research Surveys/Interviews

In this document, “ENERA”, "we", "our" and "us" refers to Enera Consulting UK LTD.

This Privacy Statement outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, processing, and protection of personal information of individuals participating in our research projects. These projects are designed to gather insights into various health-related fields without collecting any identifiable patient information.

This statement applies to the personal data we collect from you and personal data which is passed to us by third parties. Such data may be combined with a participant information sheet when you agree to participate in our research project. Please read the following carefully to understand how we handle your personal data.

Purpose of collecting and processing data

The information collected during our surveys/interviews will be used for research purposes, to understand current practices and expectations within the healthcare sector. Your insights will contribute to comprehensive understandings of various topics under study, and may be used in commercial projects.

Types of information we collect

We will collect data that includes your professional opinion and experiences related to the topic of the research project. No personally identifiable information about patients will be collected. We may also collect some personal details about you, such as your educational background, role, specialization, and years of experience, to contextualize the findings.

The ways in which we use and share your information

Your information will be used solely for analysis and reporting within the scope of our research project. Individual responses will be anonymized and de-identified to ensure privacy.

The data collected may be shared with our project partners and/or clients. This may be the case if we are conducting the research for or in collaboration with other organisations, if we need to use an external service (e.g. transcription) or if our work is monitored or audited by another organisation. If we share your data, there will be arrangements in place to ensure that the other organisations keep your data secure and only process it as necessary for the specific purpose relating to the research project.

Data protection and confidentiality

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant privacy laws, we have implemented robust technical and organizational measures to ensure that your data is processed securely and confidentially. Access to the data will be limited to authorized personnel involved in the research, which may include ENERA staff and/or others responsible for conducting, monitoring and/or auditing of the study.

ENERA stores the data we collect about you in hard copy in a secure location and/or on a password-protected secure network where the data is held electronically.

In the cases the research results in your data being anonymised and forming part of a statistical research dataset, we may store it in our research archive and use it (in that anonymised form) for future research. Appropriate security measures and access controls are applied to identifiable data where a research project is complete and we are storing research data only for audit or verification purposes.

Your Rights

Under the data protection laws, you have the right to access the information we hold about you, correct any inaccuracies, request the deletion of your data, and object to or restrict our processing of your data.

ENERA stores the data we collect about you in hard copy in a secure location and/or on a password-protected secure network where the data is held electronically.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights or have questions about our privacy practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

We are committed to comprehensively and transparently addressing your inquiries and concerns regarding our data processing practices and requests to exercise the rights set out above. Should you have any concerns about how we handle your data or believe that we have not adhered to data protection laws, you possess the right to file a complaint with the data protection regulator:


By participating in our survey/interview, you consent to the collection and use of your information as described in this Privacy Statement. Your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw your consent to your active participation in the research at any time without affecting your professional standing or relationships.

If possible, where you withdraw from participation in the research we will remove your data from the research project, but this will depend on the stage we have reached in the project and how your data has been used. We will not be able to withdraw all of your de-identified data from the study if this will have an adverse impact on the integrity and validity of the research.


This Privacy Statement may be updated to reflect changes in our practices or regulatory requirements. The latest revision date is indicated in the header of the Statement. You may request an updated copy of this Privacy Statement from us using the contact details provided below.

Changes and additions to this Privacy Statement are effective from the date on which they are implemented. Where changes will have a significant impact on the nature of the processing of the data, we will give you sufficient advance notice so that you have the opportunity to exercise your rights.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or our data protection practices, please contact us at:

Thank you for your contribution to our research efforts.